Descendants: Wicked World (also abbreviated simply as Wicked World) is an animated short-form series based on the Disney Channel movie, Descendants. It premiered on September 18, 2015, on the Disney Channel and its digital platforms, including the WATCH Disney Channel app.
After the coronation, the villain kids, Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos use their one shot at being good while their dreadful and villainous parents roam the Isle of the Lost. The story goes deeper at the arrival of new villain kids: Freddie (Dr. Facilier's daughter), CJ (Captain Hook's daughter), and Zevon (Yzma's son).
The CGI animation design of the characters seem to be closely modeled after their live-action counterparts, and also take inspiration from the Descendants doll lines.
In Season 1, the intro starts with Evie looking at the magic mirror that reveals her and Mal in animated versions, but in Season 2, the animated Mal and Evie appear in their Jewel-bilee outfits rather than their usual Descendants: Wicked World garments.
This is the first animated short series produced exclusively to Disney Channel after the 2013 TV series Mickey Mouse.
The intro was first shown at the end of the Rotten to the Core remix music video.