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The Jungle of Africa is the main setting from the Disney's 1999 animated feature film, Tarzan.


In the Tarzan franchise, the jungle is the home of Tarzan, his wife Jane, and his mother Kala. It is also the habitation of Tantor and Terk and the other elephants and gorillas, as well as other creatures, such as baboons, crocodiles, and leopards. Tarzan was abandoned in the jungle as a baby and raised by Kala and Kerchak's gorilla family, with Terk becoming Tarzan's closest friend and Tarzan becoming one with many of the jungle's natives. When Tarzan grew up, he met another human in the jungle named Jane Porter, who became his love interest and eventual wife. He also had to contend with two foes: Sabor, a leopard who killed Tarzan's biological parents when he was an infant, and Clayton, a poacher who intended to kill Tarzan and his gorilla family. Outraged at the intrusion, the jungle bands her inhabitants together with Tarzan and his human allies, who expel Clayton's goons from the jungle. Though Clayton is killed when he is hanged by a vine, the jungle loses Kerchak when he is shot and brings a rainstorm to show its sadness at his passing.
